Source code for

import io
import json
import warnings

from .agent import request, urlencode, urlopen

from pycoin.coins.bitcoin.Tx import Tx
from pycoin.encoding.hexbytes import b2h, h2b, b2h_rev

[docs]class BlockchainInfoProvider(object): def __init__(self, netcode): if netcode == "BTC": self.api_domain = "" elif netcode == "XTN": self.api_domain = "" elif netcode == "BCH": self.api_domain = "" else: raise ValueError("unsupported netcode %s" % netcode)
[docs] def tx_for_tx_hash(self, tx_hash): "Get a Tx by its hash." URL = self.api_domain + ("/rawtx/%s?format=hex" % b2h_rev(tx_hash)) tx = Tx.from_hex(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) return tx
[docs] def payments_for_address(self, address): "return an array of (TX ids, net_payment)" URL = self.api_domain + ("/address/%s?format=json" % address) d = urlopen(URL).read() json_response = json.loads(d.decode("utf8")) response = [] for tx in json_response.get("txs", []): total_out = 0 for tx_out in tx.get("out", []): if tx_out.get("addr") == address: total_out += tx_out.get("value", 0) if total_out > 0: response.append((tx.get("hash"), total_out)) return response
[docs] def spendables_for_address(self, address): """ Return a list of Spendable objects for the given bitcoin address. """ URL = self.api_domain + "/unspent?active=%s" % address r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8")) spendables = [] for u in r["unspent_outputs"]: coin_value = u["value"] script = h2b(u["script"]) previous_hash = h2b(u["tx_hash"]) previous_index = u["tx_output_n"] spendables.append(Tx.Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index)) return spendables
[docs] def broadcast_tx(self, tx): s = io.BytesIO() tx_as_hex = b2h(s.getvalue()) data = urlencode(dict(tx=tx_as_hex)).encode("utf8") URL = self.api_domain + "/pushtx" try: d = urlopen(URL, data=data).read() return d except request.HTTPError as ex: try: d = ex.message = d except Exception: pass raise ex
[docs]def send_tx(self, tx): warnings.warn("use BlockchainInfoProvider.broadcast_tx instead of send_tx", category=DeprecationWarning) return BlockchainInfoProvider().broadcast_tx(tx)